"Laura Valentina Magori is an excellent, well experienced trademark, copyright, corporate, bankruptcy & property attorney, who has successfully managed a large portfolio of cases. She has a vast knowledge in intellectual property, and has litigated a large number of both commercial and civil cases. She is a well organized result oriented attorney, with great attention for detail. She is a lawyer I enjoy working with, as well as a valued colleague.

What I admire most about Laura is her capacity to focus on her projects with great passion and a driven desire to succeed in all her endeavors."

Andreea-Beatrice Samoschi, Attorney-at-law

Avocat Laura Magori

Andreea-Beatrice Samoschi, Attorney-at-law

"Laura Valentina Magori is an excellent, well experienced trademark, copyright, corporate, bankruptcy & property attorney, who has successfully managed a large portfolio of cases. She has a vast knowledge in intellectual property, and has litigated a large number of both commercial and civil cases. She is a well organized result oriented attorney, with great attention for detail. She is a lawyer I enjoy working with, as well as a valued colleague. What I admire most about Laura is her capacity to focus on her projects with great passion and a driven desire to succeed in all her endeavors."
