Cabinet de proprietate intelectuala

Proprietate intelectuala – servicii juridice 

MAGOO Intellectual Property Advisor (Magoo Advisor) este un cabinet de proprietate intelectuala, care ofera servicii juridice, fiind fondat de catre avocat european in proprietate intelectuala Magori-Craiovan Laura-Valentina. MAGOO se adreseaza celor care doresc sa isi protejeze capitalul intelectual, in special marci, drepturi de autor si drepturi conexe acestora.

Confidentialitatea, un drept al clientului si o obligatie profesionala a noastra

Confidentialitatea informatiilor primite este cel mai important lucru pentru noi.  Odata ce apelati la noi pentru consultanta, deveniti clientul nostru, confidentialitatea fiind o obligatie profesionala.

Aparam drepturile de proprietate intelectuala

Apararea drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala incepe cu inregistrarea si efectuarea publicitatii  acestora la autoritatile competente. In acest sens, va putem reprezenta la Oficiul European de Proprietate Intelectuala (EUIPO), la Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci din Romania (OSIM), la Organizatia Mondiala a Proprietatii Intelectuale, la orice oficiu al Registrului Comertului din tara (ONRC) – avand semnatura electronica, la Oficiul Roman pentru Drepturi de Autor (ORDA) sau la orice organism de gestiune colectiva.

In cazul aparitiei unui conflict cu un alt titular de drepturi de P.I. , va putem reprezenta in discutiile cu acesta, in procedurile de mediere, arbitraj sau chiar si in fata instantei de judecata, avand o experienta de peste 10 ani in domeniul litigiilor.

Gasim solutiile cele mai bune de protectie juridica

Modalitatea de protectie a unei creatii difera in functie de ceea ce se doreste a fi protejat si de legislatia fiecarei tari in parte. Cateodata aceeasi creatie poate fi inregistrata sub mai multe forme sau incercarea de a inregistra o creatie intr-o anumita categorie poate esua din cauza neintrunirii tuturor conditiilor legale. Magoo iti ofera consultanta pentru a beneficia de cea mai adecvata protectie.

  • Protejeaza denumiri, slogane, sigle, culori, sunete

    care desemneaza un produs sau un serviciu

    Cere consultanta Informatii
  • Protejeaza opere literare, muzicale, artistice

    imagini, texte literare, filme, melodii, software, grafica site-ului web, arhitectura SAU prestari de acte artistice de catre: muzicieni, scenaristi, dansatori etc

    Cere consultanta Informatii
  • Protejeaza aspectul exterior

    al unor obiecte diverse, cum ar fi: pantof, umbrela, lampa, mobilier, bijuterie, aparatura electronica, electrocasnica etc

    Cere consultanta Informatii
  • Protejeaza o functie tehnica

    a unei piese de mobilier, piese auto, a unor ustensile, aparaturi electronice, electrocasnice etc

    Cere consultanta Informatii

Afacerea dvs. este in mediul online?

Va oferim servicii juridice si pentru: comerţ online (politica datelor cu caracter personal, politica cookies, termeni si conditii pentru site), protectie juridica in vederea dezvoltarii de software (inclusiv aplicaţii), vânzare de software, acordare de licenţe, prestări de servicii fotografice, vânzarea operelor fotografice etc.

Contracte personalizate 100%

Contractele pe care le intocmim sunt concepute exclusiv de catre noi, tinand cont de  specificul activitatii dvs. si abordand cat mai multe scenarii posibile. Redactarea unui contract dureaza cel putin 6 ore si include discutarea cu clientul a proiectului de contract, discutarea clauzelor contractuale lucrate, precum si revizuirea acestora.

Investitii in start-upuri inovatoare

Daca ai inventat sau inovat ceva si cauti sa pui in aplicare respectiva tehnologie, contacteaza-ne. Putem sa te ajutam sa strangi capitalul necesar si sa-ti oferim sprijin pentru infiintarea societatii si protectia drepturilor de proprietate intelectuala. Totul sub umbrela confidentialitatii.

Consultanta online

Într-o lume din ce în ce mai mult lipsită de timp si in contextul pandemiei, soluțiile digitale devin o necesitate. Pentru a fi cât mai operativi, consultanța online prin videoconferință este unul dintre serviciile pe care le oferim, indiferent de platforma aleasă – Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Facebook Messenger Rooms.
* pentru Termeni și condiții accesează acest link

Posibilitate de plata cu cardul prin MobilPay


Magoo Intellectual Property Advisor este membru al Camerei Nationale a Consilierilor in proprietate industriala din Romania, titulara acestuia este membra a Baroului Bucuresti din cadrul Uniunii Nationale a Barourilor din Romania si acreditata de catre Oficiul European de Proprietate Intelectuala (EUIPO), precum si de catre Oficiul de Stat pentru Inventii si Marci (din Romania).

 In decursul a 10 ani de activitate am oferit consultanta si reprezentare la peste 300 de clienti. 

" Av. Laura-Valentina Magori is an outstanding young attorney who has demonstrated the character and work ethic that I am confident will lead her to success in her legal recognition and excellent legal career. Also, Ms. Laura Magori is a very well respected and solid member of the Romanian community.

Laura is very knowledgeable in the field of family law, intellectual property law, immigration law and she knows how to deal with complex issues which can arise in a court setting and outside the court. In the courtroom, Laura is very comfortable and she is very well respected by her peers. She is very meticulous and detail oriented and completes all paperwork completely and accurately giving little room for disputes from others attorneys or judges.

I would highly recommend Av. Laura-Valentina Magori to anyone in need of an attorney / lawyer in Romania.

I would never use another attorney and I have recommended Laura without any reservation to my friends and at my work. I also received positive feedback from my friends who used Av. Laura V. Magori and they would also recommend her. "

Paul Josan

Emergency Management Professional

Avocat Laura Magori

Paul Josan

Emergency Management Professional

" Av. Laura-Valentina Magori is an outstanding young attorney who has demonstrated the character and work ethic that I am confident will lead her to success in her legal recognition and excellent legal career. Also, Ms. Laura Magori is a very well respected and solid member of the Romanian community. Laura is very knowledgeable in the field of family law, intellectual property law, immigration law and she knows how to deal with complex issues which can arise in a court setting and outside the court. In the courtroom, Laura is very comfortable and she is very well respected by her peers. She is very meticulous and detail oriented and completes all paperwork completely and accurately giving little room for disputes from others attorneys or judges. I would highly recommend Av. Laura-Valentina Magori to anyone in need of an attorney / lawyer in Romania. I would never use another attorney and I have recommended Laura without any reservation to my friends and at my work. I also received positive feedback from my friends who used Av. Laura V. Magori and they would also recommend her. "

"Una mujer sincera, integra y de enorme capacidad resolutiva."


Julian Bensadon

Director de Operaciones. Región de Cuy

Avocat Laura Magori

Julian Bensadon

Director de Operaciones. Región de Cuy

"Una mujer sincera, integra y de enorme capacidad resolutiva."  

"Recomand cu caldura acest cabinet de avocatura pentru constiinciozitatea,
devotamentul si corectitudinea cu care este abordat fiecare caz in parte.
Am cautat un avocat si am gasit o prietena adevarata!"

Mariana Bruda

Avocat Laura Magori

Mariana Bruda

"Recomand cu caldura acest cabinet de avocatura pentru constiinciozitatea, devotamentul si corectitudinea cu care este abordat fiecare caz in parte. Am cautat un avocat si am gasit o prietena adevarata!"

"I have worked with Laura for almost a year now and I have found her support invaluable as she helped me through every step of launching a start-up in Romania, from commercial, fiscal and tax and branding / intellectual property considerations, all the way to implementing online promotional programs. Laura is amazingly thorough and helps you understand the legal context, the implications for your commercial decisions and I have come to rely on her sound judgement and honest feedback. Last but not least, Laura is incredibly dependable and, even though she is extremely busy, I have always received her deliverables by the set due date. Excellent partner and a trusted adviser! I look forward to continuing the collaboration with Laura in the years to come!"

Maria Gontea, Owner Dragonul Transilvaniei

Avocat Laura Magori

Maria Gontea, Owner Dragonul Transilvaniei

"I have worked with Laura for almost a year now and I have found her support invaluable as she helped me through every step of launching a start-up in Romania, from commercial, fiscal and tax and branding / intellectual property considerations, all the way to implementing online promotional programs. Laura is amazingly thorough and helps you understand the legal context, the implications for your commercial decisions and I have come to rely on her sound judgement and honest feedback. Last but not least, Laura is incredibly dependable and, even though she is extremely busy, I have always received her deliverables by the set due date. Excellent partner and a trusted adviser! I look forward to continuing the collaboration with Laura in the years to come!"

"Laura Magori is a highly conscientious and motivated person, hard-working and results-oriented. She’s a fast learner, bright, open, self-confident, serious and committed to her job and friends.  I had the pleasure to know her spirit of initiative and support, that makes a clear difference in everything she does. In her spare time enjoys playing tennis, singing, and even has a special voice. I recommend her with confidence, seek her services."


Stefan Suditu

PMP, Senior Software Engineer at SIVECO Romania

Avocat Laura Magori

Stefan Suditu

PMP, Senior Software Engineer at SIVECO Romania

"Laura Magori is a highly conscientious and motivated person, hard-working and results-oriented. She’s a fast learner, bright, open, self-confident, serious and committed to her job and friends.  I had the pleasure to know her spirit of initiative and support, that makes a clear difference in everything she does. In her spare time enjoys playing tennis, singing, and even has a special voice. I recommend her with confidence, seek her services."  

"Very organized person, highly recommended!"

Florin Mingireanu

Avocat Laura Magori

Florin Mingireanu

"Very organized person, highly recommended!"

"Laura's firm helped us set up our Romanian business entity and get up and running in record time. Laura treated us with a great deal of professionalism and experience, and I would strongly recommend her and her firm to any other company that needs legal services in Romania. We look forward to working with her in the years to come."
Flaviu Simihaian
Co-founder and CEO of iMedicare
Avocat Laura Magori
Flaviu Simihaian
Co-founder and CEO of iMedicare
"Laura's firm helped us set up our Romanian business entity and get up and running in record time. Laura treated us with a great deal of professionalism and experience, and I would strongly recommend her and her firm to any other company that needs legal services in Romania. We look forward to working with her in the years to come."

"Va multumesc din suflet pentru modul in care ati intocmit actiunea, pentru profesionalism si pentru spiritul de echipa. Sunt recunoscator providentei ca v-am intalnit in acest demers si am foarte mare incredere in dvs!"

Dan Irimia


Avocat Laura Magori

Dan Irimia


"Va multumesc din suflet pentru modul in care ati intocmit actiunea, pentru profesionalism si pentru spiritul de echipa. Sunt recunoscator providentei ca v-am intalnit in acest demers si am foarte mare incredere in dvs!"

"Laura Valentina Magori is an excellent, well experienced trademark, copyright, corporate, bankruptcy & property attorney, who has successfully managed a large portfolio of cases. She has a vast knowledge in intellectual property, and has litigated a large number of both commercial and civil cases. She is a well organized result oriented attorney, with great attention for detail. She is a lawyer I enjoy working with, as well as a valued colleague.

What I admire most about Laura is her capacity to focus on her projects with great passion and a driven desire to succeed in all her endeavors."

Andreea-Beatrice Samoschi, Attorney-at-law

Avocat Laura Magori

Andreea-Beatrice Samoschi, Attorney-at-law

"Laura Valentina Magori is an excellent, well experienced trademark, copyright, corporate, bankruptcy & property attorney, who has successfully managed a large portfolio of cases. She has a vast knowledge in intellectual property, and has litigated a large number of both commercial and civil cases. She is a well organized result oriented attorney, with great attention for detail. She is a lawyer I enjoy working with, as well as a valued colleague. What I admire most about Laura is her capacity to focus on her projects with great passion and a driven desire to succeed in all her endeavors."

"Excellent communication skills and professional attitude. Very good analyze skills."


Alexandru-Dragos Lita

Sales Manager

Avocat Laura Magori

Alexandru-Dragos Lita

Sales Manager

"Excellent communication skills and professional attitude. Very good analyze skills."  

"Laura Magori est une jeune femme exceptionnelle et une avocate talentueuse!"

Jean-François Caracci

Avocat Laura Magori

Jean-François Caracci

"Laura Magori est une jeune femme exceptionnelle et une avocate talentueuse!"

"I was pleased to work with Laura and based on her consultancy, I achieved great results in my activity. Laura Magori is a great lawyer with remarkable results, very organized, meticulous lady and customers oriented"

Emilian Costas

General Manager at Quality Compas-Palliative Care Hospital

Avocat Laura Magori

Emilian Costas

General Manager at Quality Compas-Palliative Care Hospital

"I was pleased to work with Laura and based on her consultancy, I achieved great results in my activity. Laura Magori is a great lawyer with remarkable results, very organized, meticulous lady and customers oriented"

With Laura the things are easy to get, with best results and in the shortest time, mainly because she is an excellent profesional, result-oriented. I highly recommend Laura. She is client-oriented, determined and a very efficient attorney."


Nicoleta Puiu
Owner Best Communities

Avocat Laura Magori

Nicoleta Puiu
Owner Best Communities

With Laura the things are easy to get, with best results and in the shortest time, mainly because she is an excellent profesional, result-oriented. I highly recommend Laura. She is client-oriented, determined and a very efficient attorney."  

" Societatea CONNECTREAL S.R.L. colaborează cu cabinetul doamnei avocat Magori Laura-Valentina din anul 2011 încoace, în probleme comerciale, în special de drept de proprietate, carte funciară, contracte şi insolvenţă. Doamna avocat Laura Magori este unul dintre principalii avocaţi cu care am ales să lucrăm, datorită seriozităţii şi dedicării pentru cauzele sale."

Avocat Laura Magori
" Societatea CONNECTREAL S.R.L. colaborează cu cabinetul doamnei avocat Magori Laura-Valentina din anul 2011 încoace, în probleme comerciale, în special de drept de proprietate, carte funciară, contracte şi insolvenţă. Doamna avocat Laura Magori este unul dintre principalii avocaţi cu care am ales să lucrăm, datorită seriozităţii şi dedicării pentru cauzele sale."
Avocat Laura Magori
